Hey everyone!
It is I, Danii, back from the dead yet again.
Wow, it's really been ages since I've checked in properly with all of you. Sooo a quick catch up on what I've been up to:
- I'm doing fantastic! Second year university student life is not so bad.
- I'm moving houses so that's pretty hectic atm.
- I am (SURPRISE SURPRISE) still roleplaying! Not on Wattpad anymore sadly (although I do spy some pretty intriguing-looking RPs out there now hmmm) but rather more on Discord and jcink sites! I'm part of a server waiting for a friend's site to be made atm but it's likely all my RPing will be done there for a long, long while. I'm entertaining the idea of some 1x1 RPs on discord too but I feel like I'm' gonna be very selective of those for now. If you wanna chat, my discord is godstars#1021 (tbh I'm much more active there than here so if you want pm answers answered promptly, find me there lol). If you have any questions or queries my discord is open.
- I AM STILL WRITING ASTRAEUS. YES. It's been in development all this time but I have yet to update any of my books here ahaha... I have a personal jcink site that under construction to store all my stuff so when that's open, I'll update you guys here. Everything from my characters to plot ideas to worldbuilding to even memes will be moved there. Just a heads up.
And that's pretty much it for now~ I hope you all are doing well and that we get to RP/chat again one day. Wattpad, for me, will always remain special as the place I was first introduced to an RP community and seeing where I am now just blows my mind, truly. I've loved RPing here and will continue to be very fond of all the crazy memories of plots and drama that have shaped the characters and storylines I bring to the table now.
Bless up and I hope to hear from you guys soon!
<3 Danii