
Hey, so I just unpublished The Princess's Blood. I have been editing and revising it (very slowly). I am going to publish the first few chapters of the edited version. I can not promise that updates will happen very often, or consistently, but they will be there eventually. Anyway love y'all! Thanks for everything!


Hey, so I just unpublished The Princess's Blood. I have been editing and revising it (very slowly). I am going to publish the first few chapters of the edited version. I can not promise that updates will happen very often, or consistently, but they will be there eventually. Anyway love y'all! Thanks for everything!


Hey fools who actually read my stuff: I know most of y'all just read my poetry, but if you are actually trying to read The Princess's Blood: First of all, I apologize. I haven't updated in FOREVER. Second: I was reading through the past chapters and realized how badly it reflects on my writing abilities, so I will be editing it HEAVILY. I hope to be done with the entire book by the end of the year. Love y'all! Thanks for putting up with me!


I can't wait to read it!


So, lately I've been having a hard time with updating both my books, so I am going to unpublish Life in General for a while. When I'm closer to finishing the other one, I'll republish it, but I think it's for the best at the moment. Sorry if that an inconvenience to you.


@slylilfox Aww, that makes me sad. I get it though, and its fine! I can wait.  


To all those reading Princess's Blood:
          I'm so sorry! I just realized that this is starting to sound like a twisted Little Red Riding Hood w/ wolves and red cloaks. I promise you that's not what it is. It wasn't purposeful. Sorry!