
Although it was only 1 oneshot out of the batch of my book, I decided to unpublish the request I got for a Satoru x Toge oneshot. The amount of discomfort and negativity shown towards it was overabundant, despite the amount of times I've had to edit in notes to point out that it was a request and that I've obviously aged the characters. 
          	I want to make it clear that I have nothing against people speaking their mind and sharing their own thoughts and views on things. However, in this case, despite asking the readers to please keep their judgemental comments to themselves, I've been seeing an overflow of negativity in that oneshot's comment section.
          	I completely understand the discomfort that that specific story could've caused to some readers, but unless you're new to Wattpad and didn't know this, you're not forced to read every chapter of a book whatsoever. Skipping is a perfectly neutral method to avoid arguments from opposing sides in this situation.
          	The most important part of this announcement is that I want everyone to know that this was a request from one of my first ever readers and I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled to get my first request, despite it being a ship that I didn't support because of the age gap in the series.
          	Please keep in mind that the person you are affecting most with your comments are not me, the author, but the person that requested this story with 0 intention to cause such a dramatic outburst in the comment section. 
          	If you have anything you would like to say or criticize about, please feel free to message me anytime. I am more than happy to receive relevant and helpful feedback to become a better writer. On the other hand, if you decide to add fuel to the fire and go after one of my readers, I won't tolerate that at all. Whether you agree or disagree with someone's perspective, there is no reason to comment revolting things.
          	I hope that this is my last note about this oneshot, and as always, thank you for reading!


@Fiona5557 Thank you very much! I also have to point out that I didn't exactly agree with the ship either, but nonetheless, the requester was satisfied and happy with the outcome, so it was more than enough for me ^u^


          	  Even though I didn't agree with the ship the book was written really well. :D, I had fun reading it.


Although it was only 1 oneshot out of the batch of my book, I decided to unpublish the request I got for a Satoru x Toge oneshot. The amount of discomfort and negativity shown towards it was overabundant, despite the amount of times I've had to edit in notes to point out that it was a request and that I've obviously aged the characters. 
          I want to make it clear that I have nothing against people speaking their mind and sharing their own thoughts and views on things. However, in this case, despite asking the readers to please keep their judgemental comments to themselves, I've been seeing an overflow of negativity in that oneshot's comment section.
          I completely understand the discomfort that that specific story could've caused to some readers, but unless you're new to Wattpad and didn't know this, you're not forced to read every chapter of a book whatsoever. Skipping is a perfectly neutral method to avoid arguments from opposing sides in this situation.
          The most important part of this announcement is that I want everyone to know that this was a request from one of my first ever readers and I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled to get my first request, despite it being a ship that I didn't support because of the age gap in the series.
          Please keep in mind that the person you are affecting most with your comments are not me, the author, but the person that requested this story with 0 intention to cause such a dramatic outburst in the comment section. 
          If you have anything you would like to say or criticize about, please feel free to message me anytime. I am more than happy to receive relevant and helpful feedback to become a better writer. On the other hand, if you decide to add fuel to the fire and go after one of my readers, I won't tolerate that at all. Whether you agree or disagree with someone's perspective, there is no reason to comment revolting things.
          I hope that this is my last note about this oneshot, and as always, thank you for reading!


@Fiona5557 Thank you very much! I also have to point out that I didn't exactly agree with the ship either, but nonetheless, the requester was satisfied and happy with the outcome, so it was more than enough for me ^u^


            Even though I didn't agree with the ship the book was written really well. :D, I had fun reading it.


Ok my last post did NOT age well LMAO.
          I'm terribly sorry for the extreme lack of presence and updates in the past months! I'm not sure if i've mentioned this precisely but I am currently in my last and most important year of high school. 
          Although the first semester is over, I'm still having a hard time making time for writing and updating the JJK book :( Once March-April is over, I will have a huge burden off my shoulders since studies and content to learn will go drastically go down so that the students can have a proper break from all the piles of workload from the first half of the year.
          I will definitely be updating more when that time comes since I have lots of new story ideas that I sadly did not have the opportunity to write down but that I would still love to post for you guys to read :) This isn't a promise (because y'all I suck at keeping promises so I try not to make too many :s), but I'll try my BEST to update a new chapter within the next week. If I end up having not much time, I might update a little drabble instead :D 
          Thank you so much to those who still read my book and/or anticipate new updates. As for the requests, do not worry I did NOT forget about you guys D: I will be messaging specific requesters within the next few weeks to confirm if you would still like for me to fulfil your oneshot requests.


@shmexydaddybokuto Thank you so so much!! I'll try my best to release many new chapters as soon as my school work goes down (hopefully soon) :D


@gojoist take your time !! we all still love your work and can't wait for more, but TAKE AS MUCH TIME AS YOU NEED !!


I want to request Gojo x Yuji. Like because why not? Is it ok? Tho I don't want to trouble you, but if its ok then pls do it T^T




Its okay if you dont wanna do it I dont want to make you feel uncomfirtable 