Happy new year, everyone! I’m still alive, in case anyone was wondering… but the last few months were extremely stressful. Not only did my health issues get worse at the start of October but I had to move on short notice and do so before my vacation (the lady I was subleasing from wanted to move back in January 1 and I had a vacation in Japan Dec 15-Jan 6 that I really didn’t want to cancel… so I had less than 2 months to look for AND execute my move, all by myself, while also in bad health. I was pushed to my physical and mental limits. But hey, I had a nice and much needed vacation and my health seems a bit better at least… don’t wan to jinx it though. It at least seems to all be digestive issues and nothing more serious. In November I was told I have hepatitis (not viral, probably toxic hepatitis induced by supplements I was taking) which explains my on and off liver area pain, and just last week I was told I have leaky gut so we have some diagnoses at least and I’m starting some supplements to treat them and following a gluten-free, low sugar, dairy free diet. It sucks but there’s a lot I have to be thankful for still. Idk when I’ll have time to write again because I’m busy furnishing the new place, catching up at work, and preparing for other big life events this year. Will keep you all posted. Take care!

@gokichan ah i see, damn, thats unfortunate that its lasted so long, I'm glad you're getting the medication and sincerely hope you get well soon, not being able to eat your favorite foods sounds like a nightmare gosh, praying you feel top notch soon!

@Jakersdaboss09 Thank you I’m feeling ok at the moment. Not back to normal, but still healthy enough to work every day etc. I have some options now to heal so I think it’s just a matter of time and avoiding stress and trigger foods. Much better than I was a few months ago