
Happy new year, everyone!
          	I’m still alive, in case anyone was wondering… but the last few months were extremely stressful. 
          	Not only did my health issues get worse at the start of October but I had to move on short notice and do so before my vacation (the lady I was subleasing from wanted to move back in January 1 and I had a vacation in Japan Dec 15-Jan 6 that I really didn’t want to cancel… so I had less than 2 months to look for AND execute my move, all by myself, while also in bad health. I was pushed to my physical and mental limits.
          	But hey, I had a nice and much needed vacation and my health seems a bit better at least… don’t wan to jinx it though. It at least seems to all be digestive issues and nothing more serious. 
          	In November I was told I have hepatitis (not viral, probably toxic hepatitis induced by supplements I was taking) which explains my on and off liver area pain, and just last week I was told I have leaky gut so we have some diagnoses at least and I’m starting some supplements to treat them and following a gluten-free, low sugar, dairy free diet. It sucks but there’s a lot I have to be thankful for still. 
          	Idk when I’ll have time to write again because I’m busy furnishing the new place, catching up at work, and preparing for other big life events this year. Will keep you all posted. Take care!


@gokichan ah i see, damn, thats unfortunate that its lasted so long, I'm glad you're getting the medication and sincerely hope you get well soon, not being able to eat your favorite foods sounds like a nightmare gosh, praying you feel top notch soon!


@Jakersdaboss09 Thank you  I’m feeling ok at the moment. Not back to normal, but still healthy enough to work every day etc. I have some options now to heal so I think it’s just a matter of time and avoiding stress and trigger foods. Much better than I was a few months ago 


Happy new year, everyone!
          I’m still alive, in case anyone was wondering… but the last few months were extremely stressful. 
          Not only did my health issues get worse at the start of October but I had to move on short notice and do so before my vacation (the lady I was subleasing from wanted to move back in January 1 and I had a vacation in Japan Dec 15-Jan 6 that I really didn’t want to cancel… so I had less than 2 months to look for AND execute my move, all by myself, while also in bad health. I was pushed to my physical and mental limits.
          But hey, I had a nice and much needed vacation and my health seems a bit better at least… don’t wan to jinx it though. It at least seems to all be digestive issues and nothing more serious. 
          In November I was told I have hepatitis (not viral, probably toxic hepatitis induced by supplements I was taking) which explains my on and off liver area pain, and just last week I was told I have leaky gut so we have some diagnoses at least and I’m starting some supplements to treat them and following a gluten-free, low sugar, dairy free diet. It sucks but there’s a lot I have to be thankful for still. 
          Idk when I’ll have time to write again because I’m busy furnishing the new place, catching up at work, and preparing for other big life events this year. Will keep you all posted. Take care!


@gokichan ah i see, damn, thats unfortunate that its lasted so long, I'm glad you're getting the medication and sincerely hope you get well soon, not being able to eat your favorite foods sounds like a nightmare gosh, praying you feel top notch soon!


@Jakersdaboss09 Thank you  I’m feeling ok at the moment. Not back to normal, but still healthy enough to work every day etc. I have some options now to heal so I think it’s just a matter of time and avoiding stress and trigger foods. Much better than I was a few months ago 


cockroach chan, please revive. I love your art/stories, I'll even do a satanic ritual for you to revive but keep posting your great stories  i need 'em ffkspfkls


@gokichan AAAAAHHHAA, IMHAPPOYHAPPY. wawawaa, I hope you feel better soon, I wish you the best. You are my favorite author on Wattpad sososososo I'll be waiting!! yeueusyueuaus I'm going to do my religious worship for cockroach chan tehehehe. My respects and thanks to youuu! 


Haha…much like a cockroach I’ll revive from near-death and come back soon! The last few months have been really rough due to some health issues (don’t get H. Pylori, kids!) but I’m feeling a bit better the last week so if circumstances allow I might finally write again soon! I have some stuff in the works. Thanks for your patience~


In case anyone is wondering why I haven’t written in a while, I’ve just been really busy lately with work and mental/physical health, but I’m still enjoying writing my stories at my own pace. I’m not sure how much I can write but I hope to be back soon with updates. 


Hey! ItD chapter X is out! And I’m doing an AMA to celebrate the tenth chapter. So, AMA*! ☺️
          *Within reason


@Jakersdaboss09 ohh ok! Well that’s interesting, I hadn’t thought of doing that. But I think I’d still prefer to write new stories with that time, as I have plenty of other ideas 


@gokichan oh, for the last 2 questions, i was asking about an AU (alternate universe) of YOUR story, In The Dark, like an alternate universe where instead of amy being the small one, she is a giant. Same for the "modern" AU, like if instead of In The Dark being set in medieval times, it was set in the modern world. Does that make any more sense?


            Thanks for the interesting questions!!
            Favorite GT trope…I’ve never really thought about that…I have a lot of things I like lol. First off, I only like gentle, but the shock in the initial meeting and the moment the tiny realizes they won't get hurt are great. I also like when the giant is the quieter/shyer one (and the rare moments they stop playing nice and are assertive). If I had to choose one thing, I guess I like fluffy interactions involving hands… they're really expressive and it’s cute when tinies hug giants’ fingers or are patted on the head by them or do a finger-hand shake uwu
            My favorite dynamiic is… maybe enemies to lovers? That’s a dynamic, right? That’s not exclusive to GT though haha I just like it in general. I mentioned this already but I like shy/quiet giants, and in a similar vein, the dynamic of timid giant and assertive tiny who stands up for them is nice.
            I haven’t really thought of doing an AU tbh. I think the only AU I've even read before was this one idol superpower AU on AO3 but I stopped after one chapter... It’s not like I’m against the idea of them but I prefer the creative freedom of original stories. Plus, I think there are already so many AUs but not enough original content, at least for GT. I’m trying to think of what I would use as the basis for a GT AU but nothing really comes to mind… Maybe idols, after all? I think the groups I like are pretty obscure though so it probably wouldn't get many reads, haha...
            If I ever wrote one it would probably not be a size swap but rather something like one character/member randomly waking up giant/tiny one day and their ensuing struggles which are related to, but are a now worse version, of their existing struggles. Or their romantic relationship with another character/member and how their size affects it
            (Not sure what you meant by modern, is that like if I took a non-modern GT series and put it into a modern setting? I don't have any strong feelings about that either.)


Do you like GTS and GL? You probably do if you follow me! In that case I encourage you to, first of all, read the manga Onee-sama to Kyojin if you haven’t, and, second of all, to enter お姉様と巨人 into the tsugi ni kuru manga nomination form! 
          This is a  yearly contest on niconico that can boost the popularity of your favorite manga, and I think this manga is a hidden gem that has the potential to go big. The mangaka is encouraging voting for the series too! Please vote! You can enter up to 5 series each in the print and web category. Onee-sama to Kyojin belongs in the print category. :)
          If you need help just comment or dm me! I just found out about this but entries end Wednesday so be aware! 
          Please and thank you! ^_^
          Here’s the Japanese website where you vote with a (free) niconico account:
          Some English instructions: https://tsugimanga.jp/en/
          P.S. Chapter X of In the Dark is In the Works ;) I think you can expect it around mid-end of June