YOU WON'T BECOME A [Big Shot] WITHOUT TAKING A FEW [fights]. I HAVE BEEN [beat] ON, [stepped] ON, [ #*] ON, [ #*]D UP, [ #**]D DOWN, [shaken] UP, [stirred] AROUND, [cracked] LIKE AN [egg], HAD [sand] KICKED IN MY [eyes], HAD MY [nose] METAPHORICALLY [ripped off], [kissed] ON THE [mouth], [tucked] INTO BED, DRANK MY [orange juice], FELL DOWN THE [stairs], AND YOU KNOW WHAT? I STILL GOT UP [in the morning], AT [2 A.M.], TO GO DIRECTLY BACK TO [bed]!
SOUND LIKE [% #$]!? WELL SKIP THE LINE OF PEOPLE WAITING TO [beat you into an everloving] AND BECOME THE CHAMP DIRECTLY WITH THIS [commemorative belt]. (A [belt] IS BASICALLY A [ring] FOR YOUR [ass])
THAT'S RIGHT, [where] THIS [safety belt] TO SCHOOL OR WORK AND YOU WON'T EVEN HAVE TO [wait in line] FOR PEOPLE TO [beat the %$* out of you]!
MEANWHILE I CAN [sneak out the back] AND