
Thank you, my friend. Even teachers need educating.


Thanks for reading Whispers of the Heart.
          In the future, you need to click on "reply" so the other person will know you've replied to them. And you're welcome. Let me know if you have any trouble. It can be confusing to figure out. If I don't post for a while, I have to go back and figure it out again.


Thank you for reading Whispertown! 
          Okay, to upload stuff, you need to go to the top orange bar and under your screen name and profile pic, when you mouseover, there is a tab called "My Works." Click on that. At the top right it should say "New Story." Click that. Then you can make that your first chapter (or a short story) or you can make it your description (see one of my stories for an example). 
          Then you copy and paste what you want on the space provided, format any bold or italics, then fill out the stuff on the right. Then you can save it if you need to add more or aren't ready for people to see it. Click the Save and Publish for it to save and be displayed on the site. Then go back to "My Works" and you'll see the story there. Then go to "Manage" and you can name the story under whatever you just posted. Then you can keep adding chapters if needed, though you have to save or save and publish each one. There's an option for you to upload the cover as well. 
          ^ Hope that wasn't confusing?


i'm a teacher who loves writing. Most of what I have written are poems. I started and finished this book during the 2010-2011 school year.  I'm not sure how you go about putting it into chapters on this website.  Could some one please train this green behind the ears person? I hope you enjoy every page.  Do I save and publish each page as I do it? Feed back is very much excepted.