“ cOLENAL ! “ salutes
“ mhm .. alright - “ he hums , fixing his grip a little , lips only tugging up into a small smile as he heard the other laugh , almost as if it was contagious , just hearing him happy had an effect on the blonde .. always did . he felt safe at this moment in time , always did when he was in ones arms , letting his eyes fall shut again with a sigh in content .
@kleptopogue : his heartbeat was calm , was relaxed . even though his heart did little flutters sometimes . " i'm okay with standing , i got to stand more anyway . gotta get off my lazy ass , " he laughed softly . it was a genuine , careful laugh . he just wanted to stay here , never leave this moment . it was like heaven to him . he was in his perfect, happy , loving place . which was anywhere with jj .
“ .. ok “ he mutters , turning his head , resting his ear to his chest , listening to one’s heartbeat , as , for some reason , listening to it , calmed him more than ever , it reminded him that the one in his arms was for sure real && alive . just , made him feel secure , even set him off to sleep most nights . “ that is if your okay with standin - “