
Hey guys!! So I just wanted to let u all know that today is one year of 1500!!! I can't believe how much this book has been a part of my life and I can't thank everyone enough for all of my reads and votes and comments. I'm halfway done with the next chapter so hopefully it'll be up soon!!!!!  Love u guys 


Hey guys!! So I just wanted to let u all know that today is one year of 1500!!! I can't believe how much this book has been a part of my life and I can't thank everyone enough for all of my reads and votes and comments. I'm halfway done with the next chapter so hopefully it'll be up soon!!!!!  Love u guys 


Hey guys I know I haven't update in like forever and u don't even know how sorry I am. I'm writing a new chapter rn and I should have it up by tonightish. In not gonna promise to update every so often but I'll try to update every week or every other week. In really sorry I've not been doing a lot with my books recently but I'm trying to get back on track. I legit have like 5 different things I'm tagged in so after the next chapter of 1500 those should be coming out soon!!
          Love u all 


HI!!! I'm trying to get more reads on my stories, so could you possibly do me a favor and read one? Or some? It's up to you on however many chapters you want to read. I know that it comes at a price so which story would you recommend me reading and/or voting on?


Hello there! :) 
          I just wanted to say thank you so much for your votes. I've noticed you've voted on every chapter of The Epic Adventure  (TEA) so thank you so much for that. 
          You're awesome and beautiful! :) ❤


Awwww thanks so much!! :) and you're so welcome, everyone is beautiful and awesome including you. ❤ you're super duper friggin amazing ❤❤!!!


Awwwwwwww thanks for that it means a lot and the story is amazing and deserves all the votes it gets!! Stay awesome and beautiful ❤️❤️!! 


Hey guys so I know I promised an update for 1500 and I will try really hard to get that updated tomorrow, if not over the next week. One of the main reasons is my new story "Fractured" It's and original and I'm really excited about where I will go with it so yeah check it out. Anyways yea I'll update 1500 as soon as I can1


Hi, I just want to say thanks a lot for voting for my stories, I really appreciate it.


Thanks  maybe after I've finished Caught in the middle i'll make a book 3


@SanC-Rylieboo of course they are all really good!!! My fav is Daddy's Little Assassin/ Caught in the middle!!!!!