
this message may be offensive
I‘m flattered and also feeling quite confused, because you guys seem to enjoy my poetry collection! I always have the undeniable urge to delete the  poems, as soon as I upload them. But your sweet messages are soothing. I also plan on continuing with my last story, since I practically left it starving and out in the cold. Anyways, I hope you have a fucking fantastic and fabulous day, feel kissed! 


You too. :) 


this message may be offensive
I‘m flattered and also feeling quite confused, because you guys seem to enjoy my poetry collection! I always have the undeniable urge to delete the  poems, as soon as I upload them. But your sweet messages are soothing. I also plan on continuing with my last story, since I practically left it starving and out in the cold. Anyways, I hope you have a fucking fantastic and fabulous day, feel kissed! 


You too. :) 


You are a interesting person. Wish I would know you and we could talk.


I don’t think so because the thoughts and things you say are saying things about you as a person or about what you are thinking in general.
            I know what you are meaning with exciting but I don’t thinks so like I said.
            I really want to meet you  not just because of the things you are doing online.
            They are, we could say helping a person to imagine who you are.
            Hopefully you know what I mean.
            Sorry for my not so bad English ;).
            By the way I am from Germany so I don’t think we could have a cup of coffe one day but who knows ;) 


this is very sweet, but I feel like most of the things that I do online are more exciting than I‘ll ever be haha 
            maybe we‘ll have a cup of coffee one day, who knows


I kinda feel like my new story sucks a tad bit, but I guess I will keep going.


I really can’t wait to read more, you are such a talented writer. Sending you love!


@blackcroissantx I‘m garbage for seeing this message just now, but I feel like it‘s time to continue! thank you for your sweet support! 


Noooo, I really love it! It’s really interesting and unique. I can’t wait for the next chapter! ♥️