
Oh! And before I forget: While I can't do WP right now, I'd like to know from you guys which of the stories that are currently published and in the works would you like me to work on the most, so, send it in the PMs people! :D


Oh! And before I forget: While I can't do WP right now, I'd like to know from you guys which of the stories that are currently published and in the works would you like me to work on the most, so, send it in the PMs people! :D


And my Wattpad activities are on hold again... I couldn't get myself to release the promised fantasy story I've been working on, mainly because I wouldn't have time to write and release the next part within a reasonable timeframe.
          I'm currently working on an animated series with IaMmEChach and Trickster Animations, so, stay tuned for that! And thank you guys for all your support.


Well, sorry to everyone here, who has been patiently, or impatiently, awaiting more stories, or some updates about my projects, the amount of projects on my shoulders has really exploded in the past few months, and I *almost* forgot about Wattpad's existence. That being said, I'm working on another story right now - Fantasy, unfortunately can't tell you it's name, because then you'll know what it's all about, so, stay tuned!


So guys, I may have some bad news for ya'll... I'm currently preoccupied with writing a scenario for a short film project I'm working on. That in itself is going to take time. During this period, some stories will be updated, but on a much more delayed schedule. During the actual shooting, I'm affraid I won't have enough time even for that... That being said, I'll be posting updates on here, and more frequently on twitter. golyalpha is my handle there. I really hope it's gonna be amazing, and I hope at least some of you will watch The Division project on youtube. (Has got nothing to do with The Division game.)


Hey guys, got an update regarding english-written stories. I'm working on making voice-over for those! Right now I'm looking for voice actors, for characters in "Living in the dark", if you are interested in voicing one of the characters, please send a recording of few sentences from said story, chapter "Alice Garden Pods", the dialog between Charos and Eve. I'll assign characters, both already introduced and some new ones, to those who will be chosen. What does that change for others? Well... Parts with finished  voice overs will have "[voice-over start]" before them, and little speaker icon will be next to that marker. I don't care if you are British, American, Austrailian, or any other country, as long as you can speak in english, you're one step further to be a voice for one of my characters.


Tak mi právě přišly první dva obrázky do soutěže o covery knížek  $su#root a Guardians of Freedom. Vsadil jsem se s určitou osobou, že alespoň tři lidi udělají lepší cover jak ona osoba. Takže posílejte. (Ne, link na její cover sem dávat nebudu)


Vyhlašuji dvě soutěže, jednu na nejlepší obálku pro příběh The Guardians of Freedom, a druhou taky na nejlepší obálku, ale pro příběh $su#root.
          Obě soutěže se uzavírají na konci letních prázdnin (máte víc než tři měsíce!!!), pro ty co letní prázdniny nectí, je to 1. září 2015 našeho letopočtu.


Thank you for reading Blood of the Ancient, for your votes, and for all of your comments. I hope you enjoyed the story :-) all the best!


Glad you enjoyed it :-) I'd be interested in hearing what they where if you think it's something that could help the flow of the story. Send me a message if you'd like. Thanks again for reading and for your helpful comments.


@TelferRose I really enjoyed the story, I can't wait for next book. About those cliché, I decided, that I won't do that, because they stopped to apear afterwards. :)