
          	so you followed me on my old inactive account
          	here's my new one : @_PolkaDotted_
          	thanks :DD


Hi guys!
          I just wanted to thank you all for following me,even though I haven't really written anything yet.I plan to do so soon and you'll all be recieving dedications and shoutouts because that just how much I love you! =D
          Special shoutout to @zuhrahemmingsforever for being an amazing friend :D


@PolkaDotted_ Awww :D
            Thanks for the support!! :-*


Hey guys....my jokebook will be deleted soon...just wanted to let you know.
          I've decided to try and write a novel...
          And I'm scared sh*tless
          I really hope it gets good feedback when it's posted!!
          *hands you chocolate-coated balls of love*♥
          Have an amazing day/night!


Hi,guys...i know i changed my name and i have a perfectly good reason...i wasn't comfortable with people i don't know knowing my real name. :) This is the last time I change my username...i promise. *crosses fingers behind back* ;)