
this message may be offensive
It's my 21st birthday so I'm uploading more drafts from my Google Docs because I wanna make a new email without all of this shit lol but so anyways yeah thanks for sticking with me and this account for so long!!


this message may be offensive
It's my 21st birthday so I'm uploading more drafts from my Google Docs because I wanna make a new email without all of this shit lol but so anyways yeah thanks for sticking with me and this account for so long!!


Hey there!! So I've been working on a huge oneshot for Pride Month since May and still haven't finished it despite the 8,000+ word count. I have so many other story ideas and requests i had wanted to do but... idk man (y/n) x ritsuka content is lacking and im putting wayyy too much effort into this "oneshot" at this point i might as well just post it in multiple parts because just finding certain parts of the oneshot on an endless scroll through google docs is absolutely painful. but so yeah those are my thoughts, im gonna be starting up work again so that'll be fun :')


I am actually screeching!! For my Online Creative Writing Class, we were able to write about any two characters...I bet you all know that I picked (Y/n) and Shiki. I described Shiki's appearance and the teacher said, and I quote; "the horns give him a dangerous aura too, providing tension." and honestly??? He's not wrong lmao but on the more series side of this, apparently, it's not okay to use two exclamation points at the end of a sentence so he corrected me on that multiple times ^^;;; If you've read any of my works, you could see that I usually use two exclamation points just as my style so aaaaa hopefully this class will help me become a better author and to provide better content for you all >u<


Do you guys think I should try to make an upload schedule or just post when I finish? I know I haven't been entirely active recently but I'm working on like eight ideas at once that I need to finish. I feel like setting a deadline with an upload schedule would motivate me more, but I also don't want to rush and deliver crappy's your call ^^ And I'm doing my best to stick with the DwD fandom more as well :)


Guess who's rewritting Toys again? That's
          I read the first chapter and I already hate it. The tense and everything is so wacky, and I'm sorry you had to deal with it.
          I wrote Toys almost two years and it needs to be edited if I want a story I can be proud of.
          So yeah, I'll be doing that for awhile so I don't fall out of the fandom again.
          Thanks for understanding :)


@gooberz09 oh okay, well, good luck with everything then. Anyway, I am even not sure if you have seen the latest chapter of the Vampire of Darkness last year already... and also, I do miss brainstorming with you about certain one-shots though.


@Thefoolswife I'm still going to be writting oneshots, but I haven't touched base with Toys and it needs an ending. I have a new idea for a oneshot as well so that should be out soon, but my main focus is fixing up Toys ^^


Um, what about the other one-shots? Are you still going to write them? 


Today marks a one year anniversary for my Shiki Dentist X Reader!!
          Exactly one year ago today, I decided to come up with the most original and absurd oneshot idea. I didn't think anyone would take it seriously, since it was the oneshot that started it all, yet your support helped me write 3 parts!!
          I can't believe we've come so far with over 400 views on that chapter alone!! I'm so proud and thankful to all of you who have been supporting me, the old and the new!
           I hope you have an amazing day, and thank you so much for everything!!