
Hi everyone! I am going to stop posting on this account. You can follow _goofee for more of my stuff. I will be posting there only if I ever use this account its probably just for fun. Thank you everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Always remember that I love you and I'm proud of you.


@goofee16 Hi everyone! This is my new account.


Hi everyone! I am going to stop posting on this account. You can follow _goofee for more of my stuff. I will be posting there only if I ever use this account its probably just for fun. Thank you everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday. Always remember that I love you and I'm proud of you.


@goofee16 Hi everyone! This is my new account.


Hi everyone.. Unfortunately I won't be posting. I'm not stopping completely but I really need to focus on school and my future. I want to become an author but I'm still trying to find myself. I hope you can understand.  If I write a chapter I will post it but I won't be posting everyday or every other day. In four weeks school will be over and I will be posting a lotttttt. I will make my comeback in 4 weeks so please wait for me and share this account with your friends. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT I'M SO PROUD OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU!


Hi everyone. I will not be updating 6:16 this week because I will busy. My best friend's birthday is this Friday and I haven't seen her in a year. I have a lot of things to prepare for her. I don't think a lot of you are waiting for the next chapter but for the ones that are I'm sorry. I hope you can all understand where I'm coming from. After this week I will be posting everyday and if not everyday then every other day. I will be really busy these next 5 weeks because of school and everything so please understand.


OKAY EVERYONE!! I will be posting a book and not mini stories. I will still update mini stories if I have a mini story I wanna share but I will be starting a book. If there is a mini story that you like and you want me to make a book out of it pls comment on the story. Always remember that I'M SO PROUD OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!


I'm so sorry for not posting but I will be posting 2 parts by tonight. I would love if you guys could give me ideas for some new stories and I can write it and put a little twist. ALWAYS REMEMBER I'M SO PROUD OF YOU AND I LOVE YOU!


Hii everyone! I just posted my mini stories yesterday and I already received so much love. Although 11 views may not not seem that much to people it means the world to me so I just wanted to say thank you everyone. ♥️


@108876 You're welcome for the writing and I can't wait to write some more stories.


Loved it  
            Thank u for the beautiful writing . I can't wait to read more! 