
It had been the first time Eleanor had bothered to visit America, and she had found herself in a little town they called Mystic Falls. She had heard the rumours, that there were others there just like her. Not only vampires, but former kings and queen. Being naturally curious, she had been unable to resist the temptation to find out for herself. In the short time she had been here, she had gotten to know the town well enough, though it seemed that her favourite place so far was the park. It wasn't quite the same as Spain, or England, for that matter, but it was quiet, and it gave her a chance to reflect. That was where she found herself that afternoon, sitting on one of the benches, lost within her thoughts.


He had spent some time in Mystic Falls, though in Henry's opinion, it still wasn't the greatest place on earth. He much preferred England, though going back there would just involve way too much trouble for him. Stepping into the Grill, he let the door swing shut behind him, eyes adjusting to the dim lighting of the room, before the dark haired vampire made his way over to the bar. He had already spied an empty seat when he had walked in, far enough towards the end of the bar to satisfy him (far enough away from people), and so that was here he was headed.


            His eyes had made a sweep of the bar the moment he had walked in, though Henry wasn't expecting to see anyone he knew. Most, though not all it seemed, had died a long time ago, something that pleased him immensely. However, there were still the odd few that arrived here in this boring little town, faces he would have much rather forgotten. Yet there was no one here he could see from his particular era, which was rather a relief for the dark haired vampire. The last thing he needed was a confrontation with someone who he had tried to chop the head off. Waving over the bartender, he almost ignored the woman that walked past him, save for the fact that she deliberately went out of the way to avoid him, instantly catching his attention. While he didn't know her, it was rather clear she seemed to recognise him, making him wonder if she too was another just like the others.


Elsa had been to many places in her time yet none compared to Mystic Falls. At the time she had visited, The town was full of lively children and love filled in the air with sweetness. She had long wished to return yet never found the chance. But now, As she planned to reinvent herself, She found herself back in the town which provided her with many beautiful memories. A part of her wished for it to do it once again. Elsa stepped inside a near by, hoping to find a drink but she found something much more sinister. Elsa’s eyes landed on Henry, more commonly know as King Henry. She held a huff. Her plan was to become more human but it seemed as though the world was against. She swallowed her pride and walked straight past him and sat the bar, making sure there was a large gap between them.