
Title: Shadows of the Night
          Genre: YA/Teen Fiction 
          Status: Ongoing 
          Blurb: Everyone has secrets. Whether it be a little white lie someone told that ended with dangerous consequences or the mass murder committed by silhouette of a man. 
          Secrets are what makes us...interesting. Secrets are shadowed claims that gives us a sense of mystery, a puzzle to be solved. At Stallon Pride Academy, there are shadows every where. Whether it be the handsome darkling with anger issues. The picture perfect werewolf with blood thirsty past. The quiet new warlock, who wonders down a toxic relationship with the siren witch princess. Or yet the straightforward vampire who knows more than he'd like others to believe. 
          I could go on but then you wouldn't know the story of how I tried to kill one of the most powerful creatures in the entire supernatural community.