Hope life's going well for you man, we miss ya

@Allium687 hi. its me lol. idk if ya'll still remember me, but I'm alive :)
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I'm gonna go now. Until we meet again, my friends, remember one thing..... Snails can sleep for up to three years if the weather isn't fitting for them. They can hibernate that long until the air is moist and cool enough for them to survive in.
Hope life's going well for you man, we miss ya
@Allium687 hi. its me lol. idk if ya'll still remember me, but I'm alive :)
hey man, I know we only briefly talked a bit, but I hope everything is going well for you. I'm not sure how long it's been, since wattpad deleted all dms, but I know it's been over a year. if you ever see this, I'm sorry I completely fell off the face of the earth. I hope life has been well for you and the people alongside you. as for now, toodaloo! I hope to see you again :]
Hey bestie, I really miss you and hope for a safe return soon. I hope your life is good and full of joy <3
@Lovesickloon Hello! IDK if ya'll still remember me or not, but I'm back lol
Yo it's been six months holy shit- hope you're doing well man
I'm gonna go now. Until we meet again, my friends, remember one thing..... Snails can sleep for up to three years if the weather isn't fitting for them. They can hibernate that long until the air is moist and cool enough for them to survive in.
I can tell that y'all are talking, but I can't see it on my screen because I'm using my grandma's stupid phone from 2011 that I snatched from the cabinet. I love you all, and I hope to be able to put stories on here, even if I can't roleplay.
@gostevengo I wish I could lie and say I wasn't crying because idk if I'd ever see you again
Just.... Please don't forget me. I want to be able to come back someday. I'm terrified to however. The last time I left, I came back with this account. I found all my friends gone, and it was because one of them had committed suicide. I don't want that to happen. Don't ever do anything. If you need a wall to bounce rants off of, my profile is here, but don't take it out on you. Please. Give me an online home to come back to, and keep living in that online home.
@gostevengo I could never forget you. I know I, and I'm pretty sure many others, will miss you and will (for the dramatics) await your return! You'll always be safe here, and I promise I'll try to be here as soon as you get back
We’ll never forget you, end of story. And no matter what happens promise we won’t leave you with no where to go. This will always be your supportive safe house, won’t let anything change that.
Hello everyone. I believe I owe you all an apology and an explanation. I have tried to have Wattpad three separate times in my life. Both of my other accounts were discovered, and now this one has been as well. I thought that I might be able to get away with it this time. I thought that I could deceive my parents. I thought wrong. My device alerted my father of my activities, and he walked in in me using Wattpad. He read through a bit of it, nothing of ours, Logan, if you were worried. I stopped him by telling him that I was a bisexual. We had a chat, and he didn't throw me out of the house or banish me from the family. In fact, he seems to have decided to be a little nicer to me than usual, but I'm terrified that thats the 'washing their hands of me' thing my parents threaten when I tick them off. My mom is still on vacation, so she doesn't know yet, but Dad is going to tell her. I don't know what my life looks like for the next 3+ years, and it scares me. I have decided to change my password and possibly sneak on every now and then to write something, but that may not be how it turns out. Its possible that I won't ever be back, and that scares me. I'm scared of discovery right now as I sit here typing this out, but I don't want to abandon you all without explaination either. I don't want you to think that I suddenly died or something crazy like that. AJ, please take over any important characters I have in rps, such as Reyna for Nexilis, and Archer in Potter's vampire rp if that isn't dead. I'm really sorry for all the work you must have put into the cover Allium, and I'm sorry that I couldn't be here to become better friends with you, Iris. @Lovesickloon (Only tagging cause you don't follow me last I checked). I'm here, I'll live, I'm a tough guy. Don't worry too much about me. - Steven :)
@gostevengo I’m so sorry this happened and I hope you’re gonna be okay. We’ll miss you on Wattpad even though I’ve barely met you, but stay safe. I don’t know if you’re on right now or when you’ll view this but have a good life.
I made a cover for my oc book and I'm really proud of it ngl.
@gostevengo Cool! I suck at making covers so I have Allium make them all for me lmfao
"In the next life I wanna come back, as a housecat as a housecat." -The Drama, Gag Order, Kesha
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