
guys my mom literally just yelled at me and took my phone for turning it off, honestly im not feeling like living anymore. i havent seen my sister or brother for a year now i dont know how long im gonna last i dont think i´ll make it this year.


guys my mom literally just yelled at me and took my phone for turning it off, honestly im not feeling like living anymore. i havent seen my sister or brother for a year now i dont know how long im gonna last i dont think i´ll make it this year.


hey yall im still writing chapter 4 btw, anyways i just wanted to say happy birthday to my bestie. @billieswifey shes the best person ive ever met shes beautiful,funny,creative and i just have no word to explain how much i love her and how good shes been to me. ily happy birthday bestie<33


YALL I WROTE THE @ WRONG I JUST REALIZED THAT IM SO BLIND. her @ is @billiieswifey im so blind