
Message to all Followers:
          	I try to write Ribbons for you guys, really. But when I sit down to write it, it's impossible. I only get like five words down in an hour, and nothing will come out. 
          	So here's my idea:
          	Do any of you guys want to help me write Ribbons? We can exchange ideas, write chapters together, take turns writing chapters… whatever. 
          	Please let me know if anybody's interested.


Message to all Followers:
          I try to write Ribbons for you guys, really. But when I sit down to write it, it's impossible. I only get like five words down in an hour, and nothing will come out. 
          So here's my idea:
          Do any of you guys want to help me write Ribbons? We can exchange ideas, write chapters together, take turns writing chapters… whatever. 
          Please let me know if anybody's interested.


Message to all Followers:
          Well, I'm going to camp, where I obviously won't be able to update. SO don't unfollow and stuff because I'll be writing there so that I have a bunch load of updates for y'all when I get back. See you August 3rd, xx, Dani


Message to all Followers: 
              Okay, so I'm kind of getting bored writing Ribbons. I feel like it's the same mushy stuff as everybody else. And now that TFIOS is out, a lot of people have been writing Cancer stories. 
              So would it be okay with you guys if I put it on hold? 
              It's either that, really sucky chapters (which becomes a terrible story), or you guys could DM any ideas that you have. If I like the idea, I will give you credit. 
              I just have so much more fun, and more great ideas writing Puck It. Everything just comes to me I guess.
              So please let me know your opinion on this. DM, reply to this message, comment on a book, I really don't care how it's done. But I want to know what you guys think. 'Cuz even though I'm writing for the fun of it and to entertain you guys, I want all my followers to be happy too.
              That's all I guess, xx, Dani


Hi! Yesterday I said that I might take Dear Diary off, and I ended up takin it off ...but I wrote a new strip similar to it...check it out (only if you want) just wanted to let you know since we were talking about it