
Hello everyone! How are you? It's been a while...
          	As usual I left my projects undone and just start a new one. Also this time I've got caught in my bad habit. But, starting from today, I'm publishing new stories based on my dreams. I structured it as a format and the title's gonna be: 'Dreams outta Drawer'.  
          	I hope you'll like it! Feel free to share the stories if you want and leave a comment to let me know what you think about it. 
          	Enjoy the story!


Hello everyone! How are you? It's been a while...
          As usual I left my projects undone and just start a new one. Also this time I've got caught in my bad habit. But, starting from today, I'm publishing new stories based on my dreams. I structured it as a format and the title's gonna be: 'Dreams outta Drawer'.  
          I hope you'll like it! Feel free to share the stories if you want and leave a comment to let me know what you think about it. 
          Enjoy the story!


          Scusami se ti disturbo ma ti andrebbe di leggere la mia storia "L'incontro del nostro destino" ? 
          Mi farebbe molto piacere ricevere un tuo feedback negativo o positivo che sia .❤️
          Ti ringrazio già in anticipo qualunque sia la tua decisione ❤️
          Un abbraccio. Ciuauuu❤️


Scusate per l'assenza ma sono appena tornato in Italia!
          Prestissimo uscirà il quarto capitolo de 'La Melodia della Notte'. 
          Aggiungetelo in lista per non perdervelo e se vi sta piacendo la storia non mancate di farmelo sapere nei commenti!