
As we approach Spring, i’ve decided it is about time that i try and bring Silver Springs back to you for the final time.
          	There is a possibility of the story being a whole new plot — still a Tommy fic but maybe a new plot. I feel with the votes and views that the base of the story has when published, it would be a complete waste not to do something with it.
          	I will try my best to keep it somehow similar to the original or any of the alternative plots that i use but please forgive me if it’s a whole new one. 
          	As I say this, I also want you to keep in mind that i might change my decision to do this. Nevertheless i’ll let you know. 


As we approach Spring, i’ve decided it is about time that i try and bring Silver Springs back to you for the final time.
          There is a possibility of the story being a whole new plot — still a Tommy fic but maybe a new plot. I feel with the votes and views that the base of the story has when published, it would be a complete waste not to do something with it.
          I will try my best to keep it somehow similar to the original or any of the alternative plots that i use but please forgive me if it’s a whole new one. 
          As I say this, I also want you to keep in mind that i might change my decision to do this. Nevertheless i’ll let you know. 


          as previously spoken about, i have grown to dislike writing the pregnancy plot in my stories. it feels repetitive and i struggle to write it in a good way — im all for my oc’s having children don’t get me wrong but writing the whole finding out can be difficult.
          i have wrote a side plot involving this for the end of act 2 of After Midnight and i planned for the time skip between season 3-4 to be longer than it was in the show just so their child was that little bit older. I was contemplating scrapping  the whole writing side of it and just have it be explained at the start of the next act but i have already written a few chapters that do involve this plot so im not sure.
          what do you guys think? part of me wants to keep what i have written since it would mean the child is that tiny bit older in season 4. 


no one really does older kids so i think it would be good


I like that the kid would be a little bit older


“I have a feeling you got everything you wanted. And you’re not wasting time, stuck here like me. You’re just thinking it’s a small thing that happened — the world ended when it happened to me,”
          This will be Harvey after season 4 btw (i apologise if i got the lyrics wrong)
          idk if anyone has noticed yet but Harvey is a very dependent character and this especially comes to light in season 2 with John. 


i feel some of u take this fanfic business too seriously — what do u mean ur creating drama over people’s choices around how they write THEIR FANFICTION and how they edit it on apps like tiktok. May I emphasise that it’s fanfiction meaning not real and to most people just a bit of fun. Me personally I wouldn’t have face claims if I didn’t post edits. Idk if anyone else feels the same.
          I’m sick of seeing people think they’re so superior over other writers. Just because some of us aren’t as great at writing as others doesn’t mean it’s a big deal.
          stop getting pressed over everybody else and worry about yourself x 


Honestly, people have way too much time on their hands these days. People should understand they can have opinions but they dont constantly need to be shared. Personally all the fics ive ever read the writing has been fantastic. I can bet the people who say all of this would not be able to write a good fic and they’re probably projecting. 


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Fuck them hos anyways I finally have time to read the new updates yay 


some of you are rude woah


the audacity as well…..  


Kindness is rarity nowadays so tired of it 


Gonna go through and maybe start editing Do I Wanna Know slightly. Not fully editing, just reading through to correct mistakes and remove scenes that were completely pointless to include.
          This will mean the chapters are shorter than they already are.
          One day i’ll get around to rewriting it all