
Guess who got ditched yall


Hey guys, I don't usually discuss things such as politics on my page, but this is a day that the American public has been done dirty.
          I know a large portion of my followers and readers are American. To the women, I am so sorry that the next president who has been elected has taken away your right to feel safe in your own country. He has taken your privacy when it comes to an intimate topic. To the people of colour, I am truly hoping that this man does not take away your given right to be a citizen of the United States. To those whose taxes will increase dramatically, that man is to blame. He is a CONVICTED felon. He has proven time and time again that he is not suitable for the position.
          Again, I do not usually get political on my page, but the results today are going to shape a country with a lot of power in the world for the next four years, and it's terrifying.