Eventhough i change fandoms once in awhile, you will always be my favourite writer, ever. Your story is really inspiring and makes me an emotional wreck. Keep doing what you love x :)
Reading Lists
hi guys! so, listen. i haven't used tumblr in a good 3 years, right? but i've been told by multiple people everywhere that Gone has completely taken over the ianthony tumblr fandom. so i did some serious lurking the other day, and all i have to say is... wow. it seriously blows my mind. all the feedback, i mean. because - in complete honesty - i hate Gone. rereading it, there's SO many mistakes and things i wish i would've written differently and overall issues with it. but, knowing other people enjoy it so much is all that matters. creative writing has been my one true passion for as long as i can remember, and i just feel like Gone doesn't refelct that because most of it was so rushed and i barely edited it before posting. but i can't even express how big i smiled while scrolling through tumblr. also, sorry for completely shattering your emotions, guys. oops. but... yeah. starting in september, i'll be attending one of the most well-known universities in the world (i would prefer not to say publicly, but if you're curious feel free to message me) on a writing scholarship, and plan to major in english and minor in creative writing. i'm still not entirely sure what exactly i'll be doing with said degree, but i'm beyond excited to finally be pursuing the one thing i've wanted for my whole entire nearly eighteen years. sorry for rambling (as usual.) if anyone actually read this, i just wanna say thanks for all the support, especially all of you tumblr folks. i can't even express how much it means to me. oh, also, this isn't like a goodbye - just a random thanks. i'll still be posting to Lethality every weekend before i move, and hopefully will try to find the time in school to upload every once in a while. that's all, because i'm just about out of characters (lol.) thanks again for everything! love to all of you<3
@gracetheninja You have no idea how much this makes me happy. I wish so much success in your life. <3
Eventhough i change fandoms once in awhile, you will always be my favourite writer, ever. Your story is really inspiring and makes me an emotional wreck. Keep doing what you love x :)
hi guys! so, listen. i haven't used tumblr in a good 3 years, right? but i've been told by multiple people everywhere that Gone has completely taken over the ianthony tumblr fandom. so i did some serious lurking the other day, and all i have to say is... wow. it seriously blows my mind. all the feedback, i mean. because - in complete honesty - i hate Gone. rereading it, there's SO many mistakes and things i wish i would've written differently and overall issues with it. but, knowing other people enjoy it so much is all that matters. creative writing has been my one true passion for as long as i can remember, and i just feel like Gone doesn't refelct that because most of it was so rushed and i barely edited it before posting. but i can't even express how big i smiled while scrolling through tumblr. also, sorry for completely shattering your emotions, guys. oops. but... yeah. starting in september, i'll be attending one of the most well-known universities in the world (i would prefer not to say publicly, but if you're curious feel free to message me) on a writing scholarship, and plan to major in english and minor in creative writing. i'm still not entirely sure what exactly i'll be doing with said degree, but i'm beyond excited to finally be pursuing the one thing i've wanted for my whole entire nearly eighteen years. sorry for rambling (as usual.) if anyone actually read this, i just wanna say thanks for all the support, especially all of you tumblr folks. i can't even express how much it means to me. oh, also, this isn't like a goodbye - just a random thanks. i'll still be posting to Lethality every weekend before i move, and hopefully will try to find the time in school to upload every once in a while. that's all, because i'm just about out of characters (lol.) thanks again for everything! love to all of you<3
@gracetheninja You have no idea how much this makes me happy. I wish so much success in your life. <3
so decimation's over. honestly, i've had it completely finished for like a year now and haven't written a single ianthony thing since then. tbh, i just don't have time to watch smosh anymore and haven't really been keeping up with them at all. at this point, ian and anthony are just characters for me; it's like they're not even real people anymore. and i know that's awful to say, because i'll always support them and they literally impacted my life so much, but i simply can't make time for smosh. that being said, considering i don't have time to watch a five-minute video a few times a week, i don't have much time to write. senior year really sucks, guys. just a warning. so, yeah. considering the low amount of feedback decimation got, it obviously wasn't too well-liked, so there's that. i don't really know what i'm gonna do. i mean, with 500 followers (thanks for that, by the way) i don't wanna just leave, but you guys have to understand how busy i am. and, to be quite honest, i'm almost certain i only have so many followers because of gone. don't get me wrong, it's incredible how much feedback that has gotten and i'm so grateful for all of it, but i don't even like the story, honestly. idk. it doesn't matter. point is, the few of you who actually still keep up with my stories and care about what's next for me, what do YOU want me to do? i leave for college in august, and obviously a lot will change then, so i don't wanna get too involved in a long story, but i have a few options. should i 1. dig out this really old story i started forever ago and attempt to gain the motivation to clean it up/finish it? it's quite different and will be fairly short, but i think you'd like it, overall. 2. make a oneshot collection 2.0? that'd be a lot easier, but i kind of need motivation to get back into writing, so i'm sort of leaning toward the first. as usual, i'm rambling, so i'll go now. but please let me know asap. remember to hit me up on twitter whenever (letlthappenband) <3
@gracetheninja Decimation was really freakin good!! I hope you get the motivation you deserve! Your ianthony fics are amazing and honestly I think it'll be worth the wait to get to read what you have to write! Hope you have a great day/week/month/year (you get what i mean)
quick update time: i've had decimation completely written for a while now, so i'll probably try to start updating that multiple times a week because 1. i hate it and 2. based on the very low amount of feedback i'm getting, y'all obviously hate it, too, but 3. i hate leaving fics unifished. no promises, though, because i start school tuesday and i'm literally in all ap and honors classes this year (kms.) and with it being my senior year and all the college stress and whatever i'm honestly gonna be too busy to even breathe so here's hoping i even remember to upload on here every once and a while. so yeah. catch y'all later hope your lives are all wonderful xoxox
hi so if you've been following me for at least a year you might already know this but every year i take a month-long vacation to a place with very little phone service and no wifi so i can't upload anything and i leave tomorrow sooo yeah sorry but updates will have to wait until july 17th i think is when i get back anyway my grammar is great in this ok sorry yall i gotta pack still but as usual thanks for so many reads and followers!! love yall xoxo
THAAAANK YOU ALL FOR 400 FOLLOWERS AND OVER 40K READS ON GONE! absolutely insane. i can't thank you all enough. anyways, sorry i've been slacking so much, but i've just been SO busy. but school's out on friday! unfortunately i'm leaving for a month-long vacation after that... but we'll cross that river when it comes. anyways, thanks again, and i hope you guys are enjoying reading decimation as much as i am writing it! <3
hey .. I REALLY GOT TO TELL THIS So..your work is just so perfectly amazing I literally cried on all of your creations and im serious . YOU'RE THE BEST AUTHOR OF ALL TIME I SWEAR well atleast for me
Please take a moment to appreciate yourself. I have only read one story in the world that made me cry, and it was the Hunger Games. Reading Gone... I don't even know what to say. You are an awesome writer. Here's what to do: change the character names and take that s*** to a library or something. Because everyone who has ever loved or been loved needs to at least see this. Sorry not sorry for gushing :)
U seem like a pretty cool chick!! :)
alright, so now that repercussions is over.... here comes the usual talk. so, as usual, i am //literally// so ridiculously busy right now. i don't have a whole lot of time to write. but y'all know the drill by now. i say this every time i start a new chapter fic. but, here's where i need help: so, basically, i'm writing a new chapter fic right now. one that's been heavily requested, and i know there are MANY fics out there like it (you'll see exactly what i mean.) it's really my first time writing something like this, and because of that, i'm kinda struggling with plot holes and character development and blah blah. so i really only have a solid four chapters down, and i've been working on it for quite a while. so, that being said, i can begin uploading that. but updates will have to go back to once a week, and maybe even less once my life REALLY gets hectic. with my past two chapter fics, i've had at least five to six chapters written in advance, but for this one, i'll basically have to be writing it while you're reading it haha. and i can't promise it'll be good. i'm not too experienced with this type of writing. so i can do that, or i can add to the oneshot collection for a while (yes, i still have quite a few works i can add to that, some from a very long time ago.) just until i get some more of my next one written and kinda figure out where i'm going with it. but i don't know. maybe it'll be fun to write as you guys read, y'know? like i'll base it more off of your opinions and wants for the story. only problem is updates will be more random and probably way less than usual. so that's it. sorry for rambling on again. just please let me know, and as always, follow me on twitter (undersoii) to get to know me. love you guys!
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