
just thinking about Tate McRae and her cover of “dont dream it’s over” at the fireaid concert in LA.


Just a few things to keep you updated on the U.S. :
          -Trump trying to annex Greenland (HUGE violation of NATO, could bring A LOT of problems to us) 
          -Revoked two different executive orders (one protected minorities and women from discrimination in the work place, the other prohibited any type of discrimination or harassment in the workplace due to gender,race, etc.) 
          -Has started the biggest mass deportation in the history of the U.S., wants to deport U.S. citizens who are children of immigrants, and has had the ones deported CHAINED TOGETHER. 
          -Along with that, they are trying to turn detention centers into labor camps to make immigrants work there if not sent back to their homeland (doesn’t it sound familiar?) 
          -Active supporters of the KKK all over the south 
          -Elon Musk actively and unashamedly praising Hitler and the Nazi Party on national television
          -Southern states are trying to pass a (bill/order/act?) that allows the enslavement of immigrants
          -ICE raids being allowed at schools,churches, etc. 
          -Trump not allowing passports to be renewed or issues to trans people
          -Trump stating that he will revoke all help to California for the wildfires currently raging in southern california if Newsom does not comply with his orders 
          -Trump wanting to get rid of FEMA 
          -We’re under a red flag warning for mass genocide
          - N. Carolina proposing a bill to k!ll women who have abortions
          There is so much more too. 


me because i randomly decided to remember finny and autumn and now i’m spiraling into a sad mess.


@gracieabramsdevotee stop you just reminded me and now i cannot cope with life my bad


@iheartjoeylynchclub this is the meanest thing anyone has said to me this year.


            ‘oh, autumn’


i find it incredibly funny how the USA is a country where we the people are allowed to believe in what we want and all that fun constitutional rights stuff yet trumps “concepts of a plan” are REALLYYYY starting to give off communist energy… huh! 


just doing the lords work here best friend !!


how is it possible that a WHOLE NATION was quick to let down all the women in this country and for what?? cheap gas?? less taxes?? which, by the way, is all completely false and useless unless you’re a millionaire because they are the only people that Trump cares for. how could people vote and defend an abuser and someone who was literally run out of the presidency- someone who has literally talked about liking the idea of starting a war with other countries because “why not”- be voted back into office? genuinely how much more stupid can people in this country get?