
hey lmao how are y’all. i’m not dead


Hi Gracie! 
          Honestly this is a request and a great job! message. 
          Thanks for writing! You're a VERY talented author, and I'm glad to see you alive and well. I hope that one day you'll use your talent and write a best selling book. Then, we can look back and say, "I remember when I first read one of Gracie's books. It was Kidnapped by Pierced the Veil and I was crying like a baby at 3 AM."  Besides all joking, you really are a talented writer. 
          Ok, yes, I know you're busy with three books at the moment, but if you ever need a new book idea, I know a lot of people want a "Kidnapped by Twenty One Pilots" fanfic. And if you do it like your other "Kidnapped by....." Books, well, you've got another hit! 
          Ok, I'm going to go now. Just know that I admire and look up to you. 


Just in case you missed it, I have revived all my stories! I deleted the goodbye chapter and the comeback chapter in order to avoid confusing future readers. I just uploaded a new chapter to You're Not Alone, and I hope you all like it! 


Hey guys.  I know I haven't updated in a really long time and I'm so sorry. I'm having to deal with so much right now and also trying to juggle school and extracurriculars on top of that. To be totally and completely honest with you, I have no idea when the next updates gonna come or when I'll even be able to write again. I guess you could say that this is another unofficial hiatus for all my stories. I'll let you know when I'm coming back, I just need a break right now. Thank you for understanding. I'm so sorry.