
"“No, I haven’t finished. The only that’s wrong is society. The age-old problem with humanity is that we fear what we don’t understand. Everything has to be labelled and judged and if it doesn’t fit the criteria it’s rejected. Society has become so rigid in its idea of what’s right and wrong. Beauty is some airbrushed anorexic model. A woman’s only purpose in life is to have children. Men are the workers, they are the ones allowed real jobs and exciting lives. Love is between a man and woman, any other kind is just wrong and I’m sick of it. None of it is true. Finley, if you’re gay, then so fucking what? You’re still you. You always have been you."


"“No, I haven’t finished. The only that’s wrong is society. The age-old problem with humanity is that we fear what we don’t understand. Everything has to be labelled and judged and if it doesn’t fit the criteria it’s rejected. Society has become so rigid in its idea of what’s right and wrong. Beauty is some airbrushed anorexic model. A woman’s only purpose in life is to have children. Men are the workers, they are the ones allowed real jobs and exciting lives. Love is between a man and woman, any other kind is just wrong and I’m sick of it. None of it is true. Finley, if you’re gay, then so fucking what? You’re still you. You always have been you."