
Your very much welcome


this message may be offensive no when your having one of those days where nothings wrong...
          But your still sitting here, crying in pain and the urge to cut. You don't want to talk to anyone as you don't want to be mean. But you need some time alone and some fucking space from reality...
          That's happening to me right now... I need help. I don't want to be depressed again...I've been to the doctor's before...I've been to appointments...I just need some space...


Guys very exciting news!!!!!! YOUR NOT GOING TO BELIEVE IT??!!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! calm down gracus! SOWY! ANYWAY.....
          I'm going swimming tommorow with 'oh la la friends!' 
          I no guys calm down!!! You there don't cry about it it's okay!?!..
          What. am I doing?


Btw next Sunday I'm going to Scotland for about two days!!! Whoop whoop! I'm going with my mum amd dad and were going to see my grandads grave (my mums dad) it will be hard because I've never seen him before so I might now be on for a while. Hopefully I make a friend there and stuff :) I'll post the day before we go! 


this message may be offensive
Hi guys, I don't fucking no why I'm doing this shit but one of my...well there not a fucking friend so...I've had a fight with some person. Well, it wasn't a fight. I just stood up for my self instead of living for her. I am gonna write some more but of course it's not going to be Any self harm cause it was just her who made me do that! 