
Writing the next chapter for Impossible and I'm already pass three thousand words and I'm not very close to the end yet. So I either post a maybe six thousand word chapter or I have to split it into two. But I don't wanna do that, so it's likely gonna be a long chapter.
          	Yeah so, AcidFox stuff


@grafeas cool.  Can't wait for more.  #smiley face


Boss, hope you're back soon I miss Unbreakable. T_T


@grafeas that's ok! At least that I could read an update sometime ☺️ wish is way better than never hahaha Hope you're having a great break, it's important you take good care of yourself first. See ya soon, boss (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)


@Bananananat Had to take a break. I didn't forget any of my works and believe it or not I have been agonizing over the next chapter for the past couple of months. I have like three different routes the next chapter takes and am still unsure which one to use. The same can be said for my mha fic


Writing the next chapter for Impossible and I'm already pass three thousand words and I'm not very close to the end yet. So I either post a maybe six thousand word chapter or I have to split it into two. But I don't wanna do that, so it's likely gonna be a long chapter.
          Yeah so, AcidFox stuff


@grafeas cool.  Can't wait for more.  #smiley face