
➖ U P D A T E. [ a p r i l  10 ]
          	Well, the year hasn't start off as well as I pictured. And I don't know when I'll update any new fresh stories, with school and drama I haven't found the time to write anything. 
          	Sincerely I apologize and hopefully I'll see everyone in the summer with a new book :)


➖ U P D A T E. [ a p r i l  10 ]
          Well, the year hasn't start off as well as I pictured. And I don't know when I'll update any new fresh stories, with school and drama I haven't found the time to write anything. 
          Sincerely I apologize and hopefully I'll see everyone in the summer with a new book :)


ur username basically took away my innocence


@drinkmeup *adds it right now, though it doesn't allow me* DARN IT!


@malignantly  lmao add it to urban


➖ U P D A T E
          I have decided to make a bold choice, and delete every story I have written or even drafted and start fresh, with new ideas, new school year, and new look. 
          Please be patient, I think at the latest everything will be back to normal in December, or atleast I hope that soon. And I will try to delve into writing and learning to get over the block I have when I can't write.
          Until next time, Trish 
          See you in DECEMBER 2016