
@livloveslu sure! I'd love to read some stories of yours!! I'll do that asap(:


this message may be offensive
I can relate I started getting molested at 7 and raped at 10 it didn't stop until I was 12 and he was arrested I don't think I would be able to talk about it like u not yet at least yet in detail and everything especially not the first time I'm crying on this comment but your brave and strong and keep faith


God that's terrible! Try to forget and watch anime, I was in a bad place in life a few years ago too and anime helped me a lot.Or pick up Ice skating, it might be hard at first but it's fun once you get the hang of it. I'm 13 too and I try to do loads of after school activities with my friends when I get depressed about things that have happened to me. Also try to be sociable! A group of supportive friends always helps in hours of need.


Awww :( I read your story, no one should have to go through that. It'll be alright, try your hardest to move on and look on the bright side. ALWAYS look on the bright side, it may help you during hard times, I know that was a pretty bad experience, but now you're helping other girls by sharing your story. :) Please don't let the past haunt you, no time to keep looking back and recounting what happened years ago, focus on the present and the present only. And suicide is NEVER the answer, you hear me? You're safe now, at least I hope, and you'll work on your social skills over time, I actually have that same issue. And do us all a favor and don't self-harm, if you end up trying to fight pain with pain you'll be in a worst condition than before and you'll become addicted like a lot of people are now. I haven't self-harmed before, but at least I know that much, and although I had thought about it from time to time I'm too coward to put a blade to my skin. 
                 Get a hobby, find something you like to do, use that as a "drug" instead of slicing skin, which can leave nasty scars on your body that might prevent people from wanting to befriend you. When I'm down in the dumps, I like to watch my favorite YouTubers like Markiplier and Pewds, write, or read a funny story. Sometimes I watch cartoons and other times I look at something scary, like a movie, gameplay, or book. And then, there's always the option to talk to a friend, whether they're IRL or online. :) I hope this helps!!