
Holy poop... 2 million reads on "Girls" and counting... I cannot believe it. Thank you all for being such fabulous readers and loyal followers throughout my inconsistent updates. I don't think I've been on this website since I finished writing "Girls" back in sophomore year of high school. I am at loss for words; I'm overjoyed. Who would've thought that a story I hated and had so much doubt in it while writing would change so many lives and continue to have a spot in the Teen Fiction category... I still cannot believe how successful this book was.
          	I want to apologize for my absence and all my unfulfilled promises of coming back to write more stories. I didn't have the time or motivation to do so. Wattpad has always been a secret in my life; I never told anyone about my profile or successes (and still haven't). To be honest, I was scared of what people would think of me. I quit writing because I hated "Girls" so much and was mad that it was gaining popularity. However, after almost two years since I finished the book, I am looking back at it with love and happiness. I am so honored to bring so much joy and hope to people's lives. I still receive messages from people who thank me saying they were able to come out to their families because of me. I am still stunned. Thank you.
          	I don't think I will come back to Wattpad any time soon. I was just accepted to an intense dance program that starts next week for two years straight. I will be moving across the world for this opportunity. My love of writing will continue, however, and I will log my journey either through this website or on a blog. 
          	Thank you all for the wonderful support. I will always keep "Girls" posted. 
          	Much love, 


@granolabel but after the 2 years straight of dancing, will you be making a sequel for your book 'Girls'? I would love to and I am willing to wait to read it. we will be waiting and we are so desperate to read sequel of the incredible story.




Hello there!
          I hope I'm not crowding your wall, but I just wanted to share my new ongoing story here. The link to it is below. Plz do give it a read and also vote, comment & share if you like it. 

          P. S. I just started reading your book "Girls" & so far it's pretty good!
          Until next time!





