For any of you reading Keep Breaking, NO, I did not ztop working on it. The charger for my computer juzt broke and i couldn't work on it. Fortunately, my dad uzed hiz charger zo it would charge. Zo, The next chapter will be coming out ZOON. Alzo, zome people are bugging me about it and that'z demoting me to work on it. ZO, if you are one of thoze people, PLEAZE ztop. If you want a new Keep Breaking chapter, then wait. /aimmed. I take my time on thiz au. I dont wanna zcrap it like I do with almozt all of my "bookz." Zo pleaze, let me take my time, and wait patiently like everyone elze. /aimmed. Anyway, have a good rezt of your day, afternoon, or night. <3