this message may be offensive
“Hey, Gray?”
“Hmm?” Gray replied.
“Can you get me some Oreos? I’m hungry.” Looking up from his phone, Natsu watched from his spot on the bed as Gray continued to play his game, yelling at his teammates.
“Yeah babe, in a sec— Lyon I swear if you don’t fucking heal me now I’ll drive over to your house and beat you up myself!”
Natsu continued to stare at his boyfriend and watched as their team lost the round. But instead of standing up to go to the kitchen and get the aforementioned Oreos, Gray started another round of gameplay. That put a pout on Natsu’s lips.
“Graaaaay, you said you were gonna get me Oreos!”
“I did?” Gray questioned before cursing out Lyon again, “Fuck, sorry Natsu. Next round.”
Another round came and went and Natsu was still Oreoless. It was starting to piss him off. Sure he could go and get the snack himself, but he was really trying to get Gray off the game so they could cuddle.
As another round began, Natsu decided that enough was enough. He marched over to Gray with a purpose and maneuvered his way onto his boyfriend’s lap.
“Natsu! What the fuck, I’m busy. Don’t distract me. You know how riled up I get when you’re on my lap.”