
pinterest highkey addicting bc why tf did I download 241 potential pfps


Yo guys, I got am important question.
           How do gay Russians sound in sex? Do they go "OHH YESS COMRADE, GIVE ME MORE OF YOUR VODKA!"
          This also goes for Italians of both genders
          "Mama Mia, I'm-a cumming!"


this message may be offensive
@Pevusbass sleep deprivation does some shit alright?


this message may be offensive
@DeterminedDevil the fuck


So, I'm back. Probably none of you care but I'm back, and alive. I probably won't update that story I made. I might reboot it, probably not. Sorry for those who were actually interested in my ideas for my stories, then saw me "Last online 7 years ago". I might make some new ones, might improve on some of my ideas, I don't know. So yeah.


I want to make a story that's either about marvel, DC, or ATLA, but I feel like I'm going to mess it up. With anime, It's easier because other people make horrible things about it. But comics and ATLA, they're different. I respect them because they are on such a high pedastal by everyone, including me. Changing them just feels wrong to me. What do I do? Thanks in advance.


Here’s a tip, bro. Garbage is everywhere. Like, don’t be afraid of making something you think is “bad”, my guy. You don’t have to make something “WOW SO AMAZING INCREDIBLE SO MUCH NEW SHIT” it’s just gotta be something you like and something you feel comfortable writing. 


So. About the story. I have scrapped the original story BUT, since I have started watching JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I have changed the story to be a mix of MHA and JJBA. So there might be a chance He gets to meet the JoJo's. But he already knows a certain two.


@Izuchao_shipper99 That's what I plan to do.


I've said this multiple times before, and now I'm  taking it seriously. I have a draft planned and ready to go but needing some more time to edit. Should I make a story?


@PlusUltraChaos ah cool. I mean its your choice but I'd like to see it.


@PlusUltraChaos what's your script about, is it original or is it a fanfic. If the later what show if the former what genre.