
*      I MADE MY MCCCC @resollure pls follow xoxo hugs and kisses


“You look lost.  Never been here before?”


“Someone?  I might be able to help,”  a casual lift of her shoulders—-  take her offer or not.  “I know just about everyone around here.  Comes with the job.”


⇀   ﹐    @allbecoming.       no, uh…   just lookin’ for someone, is all.


You tryna kiss or what


@gravisade      *      I’m blocking you on all platforms.  I can’t do this anymore!  I need therapy.


@gravisade        *       ?? Who do u think I am ho


You’re ridiculous.  Let me go,  Caleb.


@gravisade       *        (There’s something unfamiliar in Caleb’s eyes.  Whether it’s possession or obsession,  such foggy emotions were undistinguishable.  Eméle barely had anytime to process it,  should he even feel the need to be guilty?  This was on Caleb,  and he was too stubborn to admit that he was being over—protective as always.)    What’s that supposed to mean?    (It comes out weaker than intended.  Skin flushes with frustration,  a small sigh escapes as a hand comes to his face.  Dragging down to his very temple,  he watches the Commander carefully.)    I hardly recognize us anymore,    (He’s the one to tear his gaze away first.  Ironic,  when he’s the one who hoped for eye contact in the first place.)    I want food,  let’s go.    (Perhaps it was just better to brush this off,  and so the hunter does just that.  Hoping to fill in this empty space with something more familiar,  more mundane.  Simple,  just as it was before.)


@evolus.      the hurt that flashes upon caleb’s features is almost imperceptible, hidden by the resolute implacability tempering his emotions.   he doesn’t expect the other to understand —- but the desperation seeping itself in his bones prevents him from compromising.   yet, at the very at least, he reluctantly obeys the demand for eye contact, purple irises boring into brown ones with pursed lips.   finally, after a moment, caleb’s tense expression is broken, replaced with a rueful smile.
                  “   i should’ve known,   ”   a bitter chuckle is given.   “   you never listen during times like these.   ”


@gravisade     Reckless?  Being an agent is dangerous,  I knew that from signing up.  Stop shielding me under the pretence of your..   /this/.    (His eyes narrow,  there’s a bit of frustration underlying in his tone and beneath the mirth of brown hues.)    I was doing fine,  or are you going to stop me from doing my job as well?  Caleb,  look at me.