
          	I'll be changing my cover as well as the name of the book I have a better cover and a wayyyy better title for the book.


Hey guys.... I'm here to inform you about another mishap. Which is as you know I had to take down the entire book in order to post the prologue. And I may or may not have missed posting an entire part of chapter 14.... *let's out a nervous chuckle* sooooo..... That's why I had to take it down.... again. Plz plz plz plz don't be mad at me. I'll repost it ASAP promise.


Hi guys!!
          I know there aren't a lot of you following me but there are a lot of you who do read my books. And it was important. And I didn't want to put it in the middle of my book. So here it is....
          So basically I'm gonna be posting a prologue for the book and don't worry who have already read this far it won't be a problem. So hope you like it. :)