hey , who messed up your face again ? i’ll go teach ‘em a damn lesson .
@greasedmess it's for people who have dropped out . * he , too , tries to reassure him about the idea - needing to be in high school would defeat the whole idea - before he stops talking about it . johnny knew a lot about it because of a conversation he overheard between two seniors in the hallway * well , thanks . for the lovable part anyway . * he let out a small chuckle , looking around for a moment before he rests his head on his shoulder once more * that's what i'm afraid of . you don't wanna get involved , it doesn't work out well for anybody .
i’ll consider it . * he assures simply in response , even if not completely truthful . dally was content dropping out and finding a hands on job somewhere , it he didn’t want to worry them too much . so he just agreed . * mhm , / exactly / . the most loveable loon out there . * he chuckles quietly , leaning back comfortably in the booth with an arm around them * don’t matter if i got my own baggage . i’ll always be ready to rumble for you . so will all of us .
@greasedmess at least i tried , right ? but keep my advice in mind . you could get a GED instead , it's pretty much the same thing as a diploma . * he nodded at them , soon feeling all of his blood rush up to his head . the hand touch was enough to make him feel flustered and tongue - tied at the same time . however , it felt nice above everything else * so , you're sayin' i'm looney , but lovable . a lovable loon . * he snorted at the name , not minding being on the same side as him , a waitress passing by them uttering ' i'll be with you shortly ' * it's probably better that he didn't , my old man wouldn't like that . and the last thing i wanna do is worry the gang . . . you , you've got your own baggage . * he pulled up his sleeve , examining the scrape he still had on his elbow from the incident * 'course . i'll muster up the courage somehow , i'm sure . * he hummed in contentment , hearing rain begin to hit the window beside them * mhm . there's a lot of 'em , but you'll find the right one .