
Almost done with Campus Sex God Final part. There's one scene in the shower, one of the most vivid scene I've written so far. I'm blushing hard when Im writing it. I'll post it probably tomorrow.


@greatwizard14 wow ..can't wait.. @StormeRyder copy that 


@greatwizard14 excited rin ! Biggest fan here ! 


Hello author. Just checking in to see if this is a dead account or if you are still posting. It’s curious that you posted an interesting blurb re: King Julian , then left it cold dropped. I love the cover. 
          I sincerely hope that you are alright. 
          Thank you for the works you posted here. You brought joy and a welcome escape for many readers.
          Be well. 
          Wishing you all the. Best.


Hey author just wondering if your still alive and well or did you just quit wattpad in all but if you didn't i just want to say that i love your works and im hoping you continue them because im still hoping that you will continue them 
          I love your way of writing.
          From your loyal reader 


Hi I started to read 'The chemistry of seducing you' I really like it so far. 
          I started a new book 'Anything' it's a BxB. 
          I would value your opinion.

          Please check it out, it's about a 16-year-old boy who's willing to go through extremes to get, 
          - his best friend to talk to him again
          - a date with the school’s player
          - closure 
          - revenge
          Let me know what you think.
          Would appreciate comments, advice, pointers, since I'm new at writing. 
          Thank you!