Everyday is a new adventure for me. I live in two worlds: One is the world of books and Fantasy, and the other is well, our physical world with music, friends, laughter, love. Some of my closest friends, "relatives", and loved ones are all those in the world of books. I know that might sound strange, but Its true. Every time I open a book, I step into a whole new world of dragons, wizards, elves, greek gods and goddesses, demigods, and just, well, normal people.
One of my biggest dreams in life is to travel the world. All I want is to pack up my books in my favorite backpack and just go. I want to see what there is to see in this world. I want to laugh so hard I pee and embarrass myself. I want to make new friends, and meet new people. I want to go everywhere my books take place and just imagine what it would of been like if it actually happened. I want to go somewhere where there is suffering and make things right.
Everyday is a new day, a new adventure. Live it.
  • JoinedJuly 25, 2014

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greencrayonhead greencrayonhead Oct 13, 2014 06:15PM
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