@Kmam20007899 it’s ok he was late too. Cough. Sniffle. Cry. It’s ok tho bc we just spent 4 days together on a school trip but unfortunately it didn’t count to. We still have 2 weeks of school left so fingers crossed we can get a wedding by now :((
My favorite thing ever is when people reply to my comments on stories…. Like it’s a surprise for both of us at that point because who knows what I said at 3am in a Tuesday. And they always crack me up. #lovemyself#feelingcute#servingcunt ;)
UPDATEEEE AFTER THE WRECKKK RAHAHAH. Soo I went to the doctor today for my knee and was FUCKING TERRIFIED. But doc said I’m good so yayayaayay that bitch is still bruised and two times bigger than my other tho RIP.