
@HopelessRomantic8 no problem! :)


@NothingLikeUsBabe Hi Lucia! Sorry it took me so long to reply, I've been very busy lately, but thank you so much for messaging me. It means a lot to me that you are happy with what I write and give out to you all. I just wanted to help out some sisters-from-other-mothers-and-misters, so I made the book up as I couldn't find one like it myself. 
          I will give the books you listed a read and I'll get back to you soon :)
          Thank you again, very much for getting back to me, and I appreciate ! :) 


@greenturtle118 just revisited your page and saw a bunch of stories that I forgot to read cause of my summer homework. Gotta catch up with them and I'm recommending your satires to my friends cause they the best. It's so weird cause you like almost everything that me and my friends like. Freaky bud totally cool. Btw if ThatPerfWeirdo follows you that's my friend who I'm gonna make read your stories