Dear author,
I absolutely loved reading “Three Kisses”. The characters were great and the plot was really interesting and unique. Thank you for sharing your work!
Hi um... I just stumbled across your profile right now and I'm hooked to your wall I haven't red any books yet but I'll def do so as soon as I send this ...
Um ok to avoid too much of my blabbing do you by any chance have a way of reading the books I mean is there like a book one or sth
I just don't want to delve into the book and then see spoilers from another one ....
Ok thank you.
Lots of chocolates
@DiavoloRicoSaint once I started reading her books it became a chain reaction as soon as I was done one . I was starting the next ! Once I'd read them all (2yrs ago ) I didn't see the point of having this app anymore if I didn't have anything good to read . They are so good !
@DiavoloRicoSaint Hi! The only books that have a special order is Three Kisses is the first book and Loyal Vengeance is a spin-off that should be read after Three Kisses, every other book is a stand alone :)
@hopefullyquiet1 thank you!! I’m not really working on anything on a regular basis :( I have a million ideas but can’t seem to get myself to commit to any of them