
Ugh. I'm so sick. I'm fighting the flu right now, BUT I JUST POSTED! So I'm feeling very proud of myself. This chapter was just awful to get through. I had the worst block for it and all of my inspiration was for things to was hell. However, I'm feeling good about writing the future content, so hopefully things will be more frequent once I'm better. (Flu writing is not something I'm happy with. I got very confused several times, and please tell me if I missed mistakes in editing. I probably did)


Ugh. I'm so sick. I'm fighting the flu right now, BUT I JUST POSTED! So I'm feeling very proud of myself. This chapter was just awful to get through. I had the worst block for it and all of my inspiration was for things to was hell. However, I'm feeling good about writing the future content, so hopefully things will be more frequent once I'm better. (Flu writing is not something I'm happy with. I got very confused several times, and please tell me if I missed mistakes in editing. I probably did)


There will be an update this week, I promise! I needed January to age up (it was my birthday), and to get myself in order for this year. However, I've spent the weekend organising my notes and chapter plans for this series of books, and we're back on track! Taking my time so I don't become too overwhelmed with life again, but things are looking good right now.


Sometimes you need to take a moment for yourself - and that's exactly what I've done. Life has been hectic, and not always in a bad way, but I've needed this summer to take a step back and do some things for myself, make some new habits and try to focus on my own health and wellbeing. Not everything is fantastic all the time, but taking steps matters. 
          Anyway, I'm not here to whine or go deep into my own head, just here to say that my mental block is gone, and so hopefully I can get back to posting, albeit not as frequently since I've got a lot going on in my life, but I'm setting aside Fridays as a definite writing day, so I'm hoping to post once a week minimum. I think that's a nice, just goal. 
          I hope some of you are still around, still with me, and still clinging to Xylia and Taiden. Their messy ride isn't supposed to take this long.


I've been away for a little while, and I wish I could say I've been writing, but I've not. I've been incredibly ill this past month, and have had (what feels like) endless tests run and blood drained from my veins to figure out what's going on in there. At the end of the day, balancing that with work has been exhausting and I've done little more than come home and collapse into my bed.
          However, with answers and treatment now starting up, I have my fingers crossed that I should be able to get back to writing within a week or so which means I'll be able to start posting again soon enough.
          If I do post something and then vanish again for a couple of weeks, know that it's likely just a blip while I get settled with this new lifestyle/treatment/catch up on a lot of sleep/something in between all that. I don't want to make a habit of it, but obviously these things take time and I won't put out something sub par just because I'm feeling a little run down. I'd rather write when I'm feeling well and put out my best work.
          Thanks for sticking with me, and the story!


Daughter of The Frozen Flame - the sequel to The Poison Prince, is LIVE! Well, it officially went live last week, but I won't consider a few hundred word prologue much of a start when I didn't really know if I'd have the first chapter up this weekend. ANYWAY! It's there, it's going to be longer, dramatic, and epic as dragons!


THE POISON PRINCE IS DONE. I know, I ended it rather, um, abruptly, but I have my reasons. Mostly it being that there is a sequel, and that sequel will take place right where The Poison Prince finishes and bring in a whole new story and world and I didn't want to dip toes into the water too much at the end there. So, do not worry, I'm going to hash out  a teaser over the weekend, ready to launch the sequel off hopefully by the end of next week. The title? You've heard it already...Daughter of the Frozen Flame.


My life is FINALLY back on track and that means my writing can follow! I'm aiming to wrap up The Poison Prince before the end of the month so that I can use July's CampNano to work on it's sequel (which has been overly lurking in my head for the last month and driving me crazy, let me tell you!) We're not too far from the end now, so it's doable, it really is. Um, the latest part is not my favourite, just because it was written in so many stop-start moments that it's against my technique, but hey-ho - the good stuff is coming. I mean, the REALLY good stuff.


Three chapters went up today and I have a hopeful feeling that this week might see two chapters a day possibly. I'm just pumped full of inspiration at the moment for The Poison Prince after sitting down and blitzing through my latest chapter plan. Setting up stuff for the later chapters is just so exciting that I'm itching to get there like, NOW! 
          Anyway, thank you to everyone who reads, favourites and comments. As always your support means the world to me and spurs me on to keep writing more. Love you all!


Potentially spamming a few chapters of The Poison Prince today! I'm feeling amazingly better - fingers crossed that lasts! When I was sick I scribbled down half paragraphs and ramblings in a notebook and I'm typing all of them up today, so I may just post it all if I get a lot done, rather than hold things back. I don't know, so this is just a waffly warning in case a fair few chapters appear before tea time!


I've been really sick lately - my doctor is still running a few tests to find out what exactly has been making me so ill, but I'm perking up slightly. This is why there's been no new updates to The Poison Prince in the last couple of days; I've just not been comfortable enough to sit and write a single thing! Hopefully, there will be something soon, but I don't want to promise anything in case this is a good day in the middle of the hellish storm that's been my life this past week. I just also didn't want you to think I've fallen off the face of the earth - believe me, I want to write.