
Everything was removed for a reason. The past stories that I have written were wrote in a place of desparity and pain I no longer wish to remember. I will upload something when I'm mentally ready to do so. If you've come this far, thank you for the support, no matter how small. ❤️


Everything was removed for a reason. The past stories that I have written were wrote in a place of desparity and pain I no longer wish to remember. I will upload something when I'm mentally ready to do so. If you've come this far, thank you for the support, no matter how small. ❤️


this message may be offensive
I'm sorry for not making new parts for stories... I'm going through a bunch of anxiety and other bullshit for a while. I've been having to balance school with home life which is really rigidly. I have to worry abt a threat coming to my home, my feelings for someone close to me, and schooling. At least I'm fixing an old 1993 honda civic so that's a plus.. Welp, imma jst hope that I can get at least an hour of sleep later, and continue putting on my happy face.


 I have been working on another story here and there. Idk where to go with the other ones. 


Thanks for the vote! Means a lot !


@grimmreaper6662 Glad you think so. I like your creepypasta stories as well! 


@Genius-Down-Under you're welcome. Ur doing good so far.


Just wanted to say thank you for voting on my story, and I see you are a fan of Naruto, I haven’t watched the series in a long time and I hope to implement it into a new story idea I have.
          But overall, thank you for the vote, I greatly appreciate it considering that it’s my first story.


@grimmreaper6662 With my current story I hope to take it down a darker path, when I can get to it. I hope you are able to find time for your own stories as well.
            My second story is gonna be a bit different, as it will include two franchises that don’t regularly get crossed with each other 


@JagPanther44 I myself have the same problems. I got a lot going on, and sadly the story my fan base loves is something I don't know what to do with.


Yeah, real life has been keeping me very busy recently and I haven’t had much time to write more chapters. I hope that I can keep up with my current story when I start my other one.