
this message may be offensive
╱  one  :  new  theme  (;  two  :  we're  so  close  to  700  and  i'm  very  thankful  for  that  .  it's  crazy  to  me  how  at  least  a  hundred  people  in  the  past  3  weeks  thought  '  yeah  ,  you're  cool  enough  ,  i'll  follow  you  .  '  three  :  i'll  be  back  in  a  couple  days  .  my  sister's  graduating  very  soon  ,  my  mental  health  took  a  nosedive  ,  and  overall  ,  i'm  trying  to  find  more  muse  because  that  shit  hit  a  usain  bolt  and  dipped  ,  asap  no  rocky  .  so  thank  you  for  being  patient  with  me  !!  once  again  ,  you  can  find  me  on  my  main  (  @rryujis  )  and  on  there  as  well  you'll  also  find  my  disc  if  you'd  like  to  message  me  !  stay  safe  ,  much  love  ,  see  you  all  soon  !!  <3


this message may be offensive
╱  one  :  new  theme  (;  two  :  we're  so  close  to  700  and  i'm  very  thankful  for  that  .  it's  crazy  to  me  how  at  least  a  hundred  people  in  the  past  3  weeks  thought  '  yeah  ,  you're  cool  enough  ,  i'll  follow  you  .  '  three  :  i'll  be  back  in  a  couple  days  .  my  sister's  graduating  very  soon  ,  my  mental  health  took  a  nosedive  ,  and  overall  ,  i'm  trying  to  find  more  muse  because  that  shit  hit  a  usain  bolt  and  dipped  ,  asap  no  rocky  .  so  thank  you  for  being  patient  with  me  !!  once  again  ,  you  can  find  me  on  my  main  (  @rryujis  )  and  on  there  as  well  you'll  also  find  my  disc  if  you'd  like  to  message  me  !  stay  safe  ,  much  love  ,  see  you  all  soon  !!  <3


╱  i'm  not  feeling  well  at  all  today  so  i'm  going  to  reply  to  what  i  can  and  get  back  to  everything  else  later  !!  i'll  be  on  my  main  (  @rryujis  )  for  the  time  being  so  hmu  there  or  ask  for  my  disc  if  you'd  like  to  talk  !!


@charmingpersona   ⁽  ⚰︎  ⁾  no  ,  just  have  a  very  /  severe  /  staring  problem  .  i'm  not  on  drugs  ,  just  deep  in  thought  .  sorry  if  i  bothered  you  .


too bad I can’t die — I’d let you take my soul any day .


@kruegerisms   ⁽  ⚰︎  ⁾  watch  your  mouth  .  spreading  lies  is  bad  for  you  ;  toxic  .


            oh yeah  ?  must be hard watching me obtain more souls in a single night than you do in a week . 


@kruegerisms   ⁽  ⚰︎  ⁾  i  strongly  despise  you  and  everything  you  stand  for  .


i   hope   you   didn’t   come   because   i   blacked   out   .


@G0RE0US   ⁽  ⚰︎  ⁾  seems  contradictory  .  is  losing  all  reason  and  passing  out  hades  knows  where  really  worth  it  to  have  a  little  bit  of  fun  ?


i   love   challenges   .   i   may   be   suffering   at   the   end   of   the   day   ,  but   i’m   having   fun   .


@G0RE0US   ⁽  ⚰︎  ⁾  why  did  you  accept  the  challenge  ?  it  seems  the  only  thing  you  got  out  of  it  was  a  hangover  ,  as  you  said  .  seems  ridiculous  to  me  .


“Grim Reaper? Fancy bumping into you again - I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon after our last encounter.” The Spanish woman had a small smile playing on her lips, her eyebrows raising almost teasingly. “What are you doing here? Finding more souls to snatch?”


            “The travelling must be nice.” She mused, shrugging her shoulders, a small smile playing on her lips. “Suppose it makes things more exciting. The Grim Reaper wants to join me for a drink? Well that’s a first. Sure, I don’t see the harm in it. Really? Where? To be honest, I’m not too familiar with the area - I’m not exactly from around here. You could say I’m travelling too.”


@-KlLLERQUEEN_   ⁽  ⚰︎  ⁾  “  travel  around  a  lot  ,  i'd  say  ,  ”  he  shrugged  ,  pushing  his  hands  into  the  pockets  of  coat  .  “  sometimes  i  stay  a  couple  days  ,  but  it's  mostly  moving  from  place  to  place  .  ”  he  chuckled  to  himself  ,  a  feeling  of  serenity  easing  into  him  as  he  breathed  the  air  around  them  .  “  a  drink  you  say  ?  ”  he  echoed  ,  raising  a  curious  brow  at  her  .  “  mind  if  i  join  you  then  ?  i'm  sure  i  saw  a  place  around  here  now  too  long  ago  .  ”


            “So, you travel around a lot or do you just hang around this town collecting souls? You seem to enjoy it.” She rose an eyebrow as she looked towards him. Vanessa chuckled lightly, shaking her head. “For once, no I’m not on the job. I’m in need of a drink so I’m off to find a bar, as long as I don’t bump into any trouble along the way. There’s always a chance.” 