Hey guys, I'm verry sorry for the lack of updates on my books and I want to give an explanation and update for the future. First off, I will not be continuing writing my Monster Legends fanfiction. The game got boring to me and I don't feel like writing about it. If you want, feel free to take my ideas and finish the story. I will however start writing other books, mainly fantasy and horror. I don't know how much time for writing I'll have when school starts, as I also have other hobbies, such as parkour (you can check my YT channel if you like: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCjSyNfbqFh0GnLjE5tqg58A ) but I will try my best to write as much as I can. And once again I'm very sorry if you wanted me to finish the ML fanfic but I'm really not in the mood for it. New books and stories (hopefully) coming soon