
If anybody reads this, please tell me if you've read a story about a Human Mate and a Female Werewolf. I read one I really enjoyed and never got to finish it for certain reasons, and I don't have it saved anywhere. I don't remember the name or the author since I read it like a year ago, but from what I remember it's a femdom type story, and in the first few chapters the Male MC is leading a group through a forest as a tour guide, he ends up protecting an animal and gets shot by a hunter, and the Female MC finds him and helps him. The Female MC is a werewolf, and from what I remember she always thinks about sitting on the Male MC's face, protecting him, and other stuff. She takes the Male MC to her pack in the forest, and she's friends with the Alpha of the pack as well. They get into fights with other packs called I think Grey Pack, Red Pack, etc. I know it's not much go go off of but please if anybody knows what story I'm talking about tell me! Thanks to anyone who offers help. 


If anybody reads this, please tell me if you've read a story about a Human Mate and a Female Werewolf. I read one I really enjoyed and never got to finish it for certain reasons, and I don't have it saved anywhere. I don't remember the name or the author since I read it like a year ago, but from what I remember it's a femdom type story, and in the first few chapters the Male MC is leading a group through a forest as a tour guide, he ends up protecting an animal and gets shot by a hunter, and the Female MC finds him and helps him. The Female MC is a werewolf, and from what I remember she always thinks about sitting on the Male MC's face, protecting him, and other stuff. She takes the Male MC to her pack in the forest, and she's friends with the Alpha of the pack as well. They get into fights with other packs called I think Grey Pack, Red Pack, etc. I know it's not much go go off of but please if anybody knows what story I'm talking about tell me! Thanks to anyone who offers help.