this message may be offensive
As much as I fucking hate this website now, I visit it sometimes to look at how much I’ve changed, and to look back on the shit I wrote. Seriously, it’s all pretty shit. I know that no one I used to talk to on this website really uses it either anymore, and I know I’m going to regret doing this, but my discord is abagel11 if anyone wants to idk chat? I know I was certainly soemthing back in 2019. That’s for sure. And I know other people sure were something back then too. But I also know that most people on here were nice to that younger me that was getting exposed to the internet for the first time. So. If you want to hmu, I’d be mostly happy to chat. Again, this website holds a lot of really weird,cringey, and depressing memories, but also a lot of nostalgia for me. Don’t expect any further content of messages on here in the future. Ao3 is way better too