
Your mb is so empty dawg…
          Lemme just—
          when i first saw this i had to sit down and think for a while cause truly why do i love him so much and eventually reached the conclusion - it’s how dazai’s character is portrayed + how it’s been developed 
          (plus he’s hot. like are u kidding me? have u even seen his man. what the fuk asagiri. u can’t just do dis to me) 
          a showcase of dazai’s intelligence in figuring out the tiger’s true identity with barely any clues. 
          episode one shows multiple sides of dazai’s character while still keeping him dazai (if that makes any sense) and for that i ended up loving him. the fact that he has so many faces almost ironically makes him feel so human when his own ability name disqualifies him from that 
          from what i’ve seen dazai’s mostly used as either comic relief.
          Live laugh long dazai 


@lifelessdove the fact that i somehow didn't see this until now, it's beautiful. so eloquently put. moves me to absolute tears 