
          I have uploaded the THIRD chapter of my story "Die Another Death: The Underworld relocated.........right into my town !!!" I would very much like it if u could read it and comment on it. Feel free to criticize, point out typos and so on. If u like it, maybe u could vote for it and become a fan. ;-) :)) I will return the favour for ur works. Thanks in advance !!!   ;-)  ;-)  Here's the link to my story-


HI...i hope that you could read my story on..." A story of twisted fate(an immortal story)the past, present and future. When dreams turn to be real" and a poem on “love and hate” and "silent love" read other poems if u have the time.
          please comment, fan and vote....your comment means a lot to me....thanks.
          PLS READ THE POEM ON” SILENT LOVE”…comment


welcome to wattpad if u r ever looking for something to read than i was wondering if you could read a story of mine its called the hour there's a brief description. 
          genre: horror, adventure, thriller 
          Brief summary: A plague infects Africa, spreads to middle east, attacks china, and ravages throughout the Americas. Only a few humans survive the mass infection, struggling to not fall into the hands of the epidemic. The longer they survive they avoid the thought of contributing toward the virus.