
Happy Halloween everyone! Remember to stay safe during this spooky day. I know for some of you it's November 1st, so I hope you had a good one. 
          	Now for a positive message. You are all valid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you ever need to talk, message me. I may not respond right away, but I will once I have the chance. Most importantly, I love you all and you deserve the best . Have a wonderful day/night peeps.


Happy Halloween everyone! Remember to stay safe during this spooky day. I know for some of you it's November 1st, so I hope you had a good one. 
          Now for a positive message. You are all valid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If you ever need to talk, message me. I may not respond right away, but I will once I have the chance. Most importantly, I love you all and you deserve the best . Have a wonderful day/night peeps.


Thank you for following! I know you give advice (I read your bio), but if you need someone to vent to also, my message box is always available. It might take me a bit to answer, but I will answer! :-D


You're welcome! I'm glad I made your day.


Thank you!! You just made my day!!


Thanks for the follow back. I love your books. Thanks, it's always nice to have another person to vent to. I'm the same way; it will take awhile, but I will answer.


    You know what's great, when you are not home and a tornado ( or strong thunderstorm wind damage) touched down 20 minutes away from your house. Thank the Spirits it landed down in the valley; we live up on a hill. Also, everyone I know who was in the area are okay, shaken up, but okay. 
              Unfortunately, I can't even go down and help because road closures; otherwise I would already be out with the rest of my fire hall. 
               Hopefully everyone is okay. Let it be known that emergency services are doing everything they can. Thank you for doing what you are trained for! Stay safe!


     It turns out it has been confirmed as a tornado and there was another one about 40 minutes to the west of my house. 
                 Thankfully no one was severely injured. I was able to make it to the fire hall a few hours later. There is a brighter side to this event: the community proved that they are strong and will help each other in a time of need, no one was severely injured, and I was able to make a new friend and she offered me a job. 
                No body can say thank you enough. So, Thank You to everyone that helped in the disasters! 


I am so happy! I just found out I passed my CFR, Certified First Responder, test with an 86% and I got a 1160 on my SAT. This means my life plans are right on track. Advice: study, ask for help, be confident( I'm hypocritical for saying this), and have someone being supportive to you. That's my advice.